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Chhattisgarh amends the RPO regulation for captive generating plant

Chhattisgarh State Electricity Regulatory Commission (CSERC), in a recent announcement, amends the RPO target for Captive generating plants(CGPs) under CSERC(Renewable Purchase Obligation and REC Framework Implementation) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2020.

Key points of the regulation are as follows:

  • For Captive users, consuming electricity from captive generating plants (CGP), commissioned before 1st April 2016, shall have RPO target applicable for FY 2015-16, which is 1% solar and 6.25% non-solar.
  • CGPs commissioned after lst April 2016 onward, the RPO levels as specified in these Regulations or MoP trajectory, whichever is higher, for the year of commissioning of the CGPs shall be applicable.
  • In case of any augmentation in the capacity of the CGPs, the RPO for augmented capacity shall be the RPO applicable as specified in these Regulations for the year in which the CGPs have been augmented.

These Regulations shall come into force from the date of notification in the CG Rajpatra.

It is important to note that CSERC under the Electricity Act, 2003 made CSERC (Renewable Purchase Obligation and REC framework Implementation) Regulations, 2016. These regulations were applicable from 1st April ,2016. In these regulations, obligated entities and minimum quantum of electricity to be procured by obligated entities as a percentage of total consumption for five years starting 2016-17 were stated